Two judges were found to be not suitable for the position held, and one judge failed to confirm the possibility of administering justice in the relevant court


On November 7, 2024, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine held interviews and determined the results of the qualification evaluation of six judges of local and appellate courts for their suitability for the position held and the results of the initial qualification evaluation of one judge.

Based on the results of the qualification evaluation, the Commission made the following decisions:

Name of the judge

Name of the court

Number of points


Tetiana Sheiko

Circuit Administrative Court of Kyiv City


not suitable for the position held. To submit a motion to the High Council of Justice to dismiss a judge from office

Vasyl Shevchuk

Slavutskyi City-Raion Court of Khmelnytskyi Oblast


to submit to the Commission’s plenary consideration the issue of the judge’s suitability for the position held

Yuliia Halonkina

Oktiabrskyi District Court of Poltava City


not suitable for the position held. To submit a motion to the High Council of Justice to dismiss a judge from office

Olha Krutova

Artsyzkyi Raion Court of Odessa Oblast


to submit to the Commission’s plenary consideration the issue of the judge’s suitability for the position held

Liana Kurylo

Kharkiv Administrative Court of Appeals


qualification evaluation has been terminated

Serhii Cherevko

Malynovskyi District Court of Odessa City


qualification evaluation has been terminated


Based on the results of the initial qualification evaluation, the Commission made the following decision:

Name of the judge

Name of the court


Olena Skarlat

Vyshhorodskyi Raion Court of Kyiv Oblast

to approve the conclusion on the results of the initial qualification evaluation of the judge. To recognize a judge as having failed to confirm the possibility of administering justice in the relevant court. To submit a motion to the High Council of Justice to remove the judge from the administration of justice