Testing of personal moral and psychological qualities and general abilities of 41 judges has been scheduled


Please be informed, that on March 07, 2025, the Commission decided to schedule testing of personal moral and psychological qualities and general abilities of 41 judges as part of the qualification evaluation for suitability for the position held and qualification evaluation in connection with the imposition of a disciplinary sanction.

The testing schedule can be found here (in Ukrainian) (or in the section Testing of Personal Moral and Psychological Qualities and General Abilities of the subsection “Evaluation” of the section Activities of the official website of the Commission).

Please note that the testing includes the following methods: general aptitude test; PAI (Personality Assessment Inventory) tool; SSM tool – personal competence test; Detector tool – trustworthiness test.

The second stage of testing will include an interview with a psychologist to finalise a consolidated report on the results of all methods.

The first stage of testing of personal moral and psychological qualities and general abilities will be held on March 17, 2025, at the premises of the Commission at 9, General Shapoval Street, Kyiv.

The time of registration for the test is indicated in the schedule.

For registration, you must have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

The testing duration is 4 hours.

The dates of the interview with the psychologist will be announced additionally.