In compliance with the principles of transparency and accountability, we inform you about the completion of the work of the internal investigation commission.
It is worth recalling that on July 9, 2024, an emergency situation occurred during the exam as part of the qualification evaluation procedure for suitability of a judge for the position held and the qualification evaluation in connection with the imposition of a disciplinary sanction. After the announcement of the start of the anonymous written test, the exam participants found that the generated test questions were incorrect in their test copybooks. The same questions were repeatedly asked in each variant of each exam participant.
From July 10 to 19, 2024, an internal investigation commission (with the involvement of a representative of the developer of the Commission’s Workflow Automation System, hereinafter referred to as the System) conducted an internal investigation to determine the causes and conditions that led to the emergency situation on July 09, 2024.
The internal investigation revealed no evidence of external or internal interference.
The Commission emphasizes that this System was put into operation and has been in use since September 20, 2016. During the period of its use, 124 anonymous written tests were conducted and no technical failures were recorded during their conduct.
Subsequently, as part of the implementation of the contract № 46 of July 13, 2020, which purchased additional software to expand the functionality of the Exam subsystem, changes were made to the algorithm for generating test tasks for exam participants. During the operation of the System on July 09, 2024, the Commission’s staff provided comments on the correctness of the algorithm. This error occurred only in rare cases, so it may not have been noticed at the stage of testing the System’s operation on the production server.
Thus, the emergency situation on July 09, 2024 was caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Commission’s employees and is confirmed by the System developer, who provided appropriate proposals to eliminate the identified error. No other facts (circumstances) that could indicate the opposite were established within the framework of the internal investigation.
Currently, the System developer has eliminated the identified error and ensured the correct functioning of the System.
The internal investigation report is available for review (in Ukrainian).