On August 29, 2023, the Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine Roman Ihnatov met with the Leading Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law Specialist of the Department of Democracy and Governance at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission to Ukraine Jay Totte.
Roman Ihnatov spoke in detail about the powers of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, its main priorities and the work already done. In particular, he noted that the Commission has ensured the establishment of the Public Integrity Council, which will assist in determining the compliance of a judge (candidate for the position of a judge) with the criteria of professional ethics and integrity for the purposes of qualification evaluation, which will allow replenishing the judiciary based on objectivity and integrity; has reviewed 1,028 written assignments promptly, constantly carries out secondments of judges as temporary transfers, etc.
The Chairman of the Commission also spoke about the immediate plans to complete the qualification assessment of judges whose five-year term of office has expired and to complete the qualification evaluation of all other judges. Among other priority steps, he mentioned the announcement of a new competition for the positions of а judge in the courts of appeal and the competition to the Kyiv City District Administrative Court (KCDAC), which was established in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Liquidation of the Kyiv District Administrative Court and Establishment of the Kyiv City District Administrative Court” of December 13, 2022 No. 2825-IX.
Mr. Totte thanked the Chairman of the Commission for the detailed presentation and assured that the USAID Mission to Ukraine is ready to provide all possible support to the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine.