100 days of operation of the new High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine. 100 days of improvement of procedures aimed at ensuring independence and increasing the authority of the judiciary in Ukraine.
For 1,302 days, the judicial system did not function fully due to the absence of the Commission’s authorized members. This led to a significant workload in all courts of the country. Therefore, since the launch of the new composition, the HQCJ members have focused on forming a reserve of candidates for the position of a judge and reviewing reports on the secondment of judges. Measures have also been taken to improve the procedure for selecting judicial candidates, which was suspended in 2019 due to the termination of the powers of the Commission’s members of the second term.
The HQCJ also actively cooperates with international partners to have a reliable shoulder to lean on and proper support.
The results of the work of the new composition of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine can be found in the presentation and its description.