The High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine serves as a key element of the country’s anti-corruption framework, imposing rigorous requirements on candidates for the position of judge of this court. In view of these stringent standards, the exam test and practical assignments were meticulously designed.
Moreover, the competition for the High Anti-Corruption Court was organized and conducted under new rules. To successfully pass the qualification exam, candidates were required to score at least 75% of the maximum possible points at each stage of the exam, which included: testing general legal knowledge and specialization relevant to the court’s jurisdiction, cognitive abilities testing, completion of a practical assignment.
To ensure a high level of trust in the competition results, the evaluation of practical assignments was conducted by an exam commission with the participation of academic experts recommended by international partners.
Based on the results of the first stage of the qualification evaluation, named “Examination” seven candidates successfully advanced to the next stage of the competition: “Dossier Review and Interview”.
The Commission expresses its gratitude to all participants of competition who, despite the challenges posed by martial law, air raid alerts, and exceptionally complex exam assignments, demonstrated a high level of personal and professional competence.
We hereby inform you that the Commission plans to announce a new competition for the High Anti-Corruption Court in the near future. Information regarding this matter will be published on the official website of the Commission promptly upon adoption of the relevant decision.